June Bugs
June Bugs is our 2-week summer program. We offer a full-day option for children 3 and older (we will need to have at least 9 children in the class to open the class). Registration will be on a first-come first-served basis. Children may attend two to five days a week.
Summer Camp
Huguenot Nursery School Summer Camp is a great place for children to spend their summer. Children may attend between two to five days a week from two to four weeks. Registration for children presently attending Huguenot Nursery School is on a first-come first-served basis.
Mini Camp (Winter and Spring)
Huguenot Nursery School offers “mini” camps during the Winter (February) and Spring (March or April) vacations. Camp is held for three mornings and children must attend all three days. The hours correspond with the usual school hours.