FAQ 2024-07-18T11:09:51+00:00

Q: When is nursery school registration?

Registration and enrollment begins in December for the following school year.

New Enrollment:

  1. Siblings of returning students have priority through the first week in January.
  2. Huguenot Memorial Church members begin enrollment the second week in January.
  3. Alumni siblings begin enrollment the third week in January.
  4. Open registration begins the fourth week in January.

Re-enrollment and mid year availability:

Children presently enrolled in the morning spots have priority to remain in the morning program. Please contact the office for more information.

Q: How do you decide what class my child will be assigned to?

A: For the 2’s, we aim for classes that are as gender equal as possible and represent the full range of birthdays, January through December. For the 3’s, we also aim for gender equality and a full range of birthdays. Parent requests and teacher reccommendations (if we know your child) are also part of the consideration. For the 4’s, we also look at where the child is going to kindergarten and try to place children with friends that will be going to the same school.

Q: When is the first day of school?

A: Traditionally, nursery schools begin one week after the public schools begin, which is one week after Labor Day. Staff comes back to work the Tuesday after Labor Day to set up the classrooms and children begin school the following Monday.

Q: Why does school end so early in June?

A: Traditionally, nursery schools end in early June. For families that prefer a longer school year, we offer “June Bugs” as a camp-like program that runs for two weeks after nursery school ends to coincide with the public school calendar.

Q: Do you offer snack during the day?

A: The school provides a snack to the children on a daily basis.  We serve fresh fruit and vegetables, dried fruit such as raisins, whole wheat bread products and cheese.  We serve water as our beverage of choice and save apple juice for special occasions.

Q: Do children go outside during the day?

Outdoor play is an important part of your child’s day and total health.  Weather permitting; the children will play outdoors each day.